1. Monikers Volume 17

    This volume might be the last, at least until the yard cools off. The city is clearing out camps along the tracks and the railroad is on high alert. Lucky for me I was let go with a warning because the bull liked my website. The following is a collection…

  2. Tulsa

    Tulsa is a hot spot for graffiti and street art. I always try to find new murals or tags every time I visit. Here are a some that caught my eye after a few drinks at Arnies Bar. 

  3. Saying Goodbye

    The Nikon F3P is the Ferrari F-40 of cameras. The problem is, it stands out and weighs damn near as much as one. No lie, it almost got me shot once in Mexico. Kind of hard to be incognito when you’ve got one around your neck. So, it is with…

  4. Third Man Photo Studio

    Film is a motherfucker. I often ask myself why I still shoot it. It’s cheaper to shoot an AR-15 these days than 35mm film. But there is a certain nostalgia that goes with the grain. So every now and then I dust off the F3P and run through a few…

  5. Monikers Volume 16

    Collection of traditional boxcar art shot in Fort Smith, Arkansas. 

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