1. Preacher Interview

    DH: I couldn’t go anywhere in NOLA without seeing your moniker. When did you start throwing up street art and what’s behind the name, PREACHER?  P: I started marking on things like 20 years ago.. but preacher was born out of a painful relationship I was in where…


    written by: Cornelius Vango Before I began homesteading in Slab City, I was what is referred to as “a dirty kid”; a homeless young person. I survived off of “kickdowns”, “white-boxes”, “spanging”, stealing, and “flying signs”. Before I got my first van, I lived out of a rucksack and surfed…

  3. The Gravediggers

    Anthony Bourdain’s favorite spot for a Guinness and a place he described as, “gloriously un-fucked by time”. No music, no wi-fi, no TV. Just the best pint of Guinness ever poured and some of the best food in Ireland. I had the Irish egg rolls, baked goats cheese with honey…

  4. Inspired Eye Issue 131

    I was recently featured in The Inspired Eye Magazine Issue 131. Scroll past the images to read the full interview below.  IE: Please tell us something about you, your life and interests, etc. Put as much detail as you like and then we will start the questions.  BP: I’ve always…

  5. Third Man Photo Studio

    Film is a motherfucker. I often ask myself why I still shoot it. It’s cheaper to shoot an AR-15 these days than 35mm film. But there is a certain nostalgia that goes with the grain. So every now and then I dust off the F3P and run through a few…

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