Welcome to the Jungle
The following images were taken while documenting traditional box car art along a stretch of track near the Arkansas River. I could see smoke rising through the trees and smell meat cooking as I walked down the tracks searching for monikers. As I got closer to the smoke I heard laughter coming from the jungle. Before long I was spotted. I gave a wave, received one back, then heard a familiar voice call out. It was a tramp I knew named ———. He quickly invited me down to the jungle and introduced me to the others in camp. Most of whom for various reason didn’t want to be photographed. They were pretty proud of camp with good reason, it was one of the cleanest jungles I’d seen in a long time. A tramp named ——— was working on a staircase that lead from the tracks down to the center of camp. After I met the crew I was offered a smoke and a tall boy of a Mexican lager. We talked religion, philosophy, and inter-dimensional/parallel universes, ultimately concluding the life we are living now is our purgatory. As the sun set I thanked them for the hospitality and letting me snap a few pictures of their jungle camp before heading back to society.