Texas Roadrunner Interview
DH: How long have you been riding the rails?
TR: I was taught how to ride in 2010 by Gringo Bandido but didn’t leave home until 2014.
DH: You’ve been riding the rails for quite a long time, what keeps you riding?
TR: The freedom. Knowing I don’t have to pay taxes or bills or rent makes life a lot better.
DH: You’re a talented musician. How long have you been playing?
TR: Too long to remember.
DH: What is the most interesting thing that has happened to you while traveling?
TR: Being able to see the beauty of the earth in person rather than a book or a You Tube video.
DH: Do you have a moniker you draw on box cars?
TR: Yes. I have three I’m working on. Hobo Roadrunner, Texas Roadrunner, and Roadrunner with a little roadrunner bird underneath it. I always put X’s in my O’s.
DH: You have a You Tube channel. What inspired you to start documenting your travels?
TR: There was a few reasons. Stobe was one of them. Plus other great You Tubers like Kenneth Kram, Prepper Princess and other outdoor survival channels.
DH: Have you ever been to the National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa? It seems like you are one of the last true hoboes left, and perhaps the youngest. Any desire to run for King?
TR: I been to the convention in 2019 and ran for king but lost to Slim Tim tho honestly he deserved the title. I was gonna go in 2021 and 2022 but being tied down at the time didn’t help neither did the deaths of both my girls. I will be going back again in 2023 to claim the throne and to continue the works of great hobos like Steam Train Maury and other hobos from that era.
DH: What’s next for The Texas Roadrunner? Any future plans?
TR: Me and the pups will explore every rail line, every abandoned building, and document every historical item and event we can document regardless of the weather.
DH: Thanks for your time. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
TR: If you plan on being a new hobo don’t drink, don’t do drugs, and always be honest. Look for work everywhere. Don’t steal and don’t start fights in towns you’re not familiar with. Be creative and resourceful when needed. Hoboing is not only a culture but an art form that isn’t really fully understood by most.
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